Controlling Rosacea

Rosacea affects around 1 in 10 people in the UK. Most commonly found in fair skin toned women over 30, however symptoms can be much worse in men. It’s a long term skin condition that causes flushing, burning/ stinging sensations when washing the face, dryness, bumps and pimples, broken capillaries, to more severe cases having thickening of the skin mainly around the nose area.

What to avoid?

  • Exposure to direct sunlight and heat

We recommend wearing a high quality SPF of 40 or above every single day to protect against UVA and UVB rays. Getting too hot will also stimulate flushing, so sticking to the shade where possible, wearing a hat that can shade your face, and keeping as cool as possible.

  • Alcohol, hot drinks, spicy foods, caffeine and dairy

These are all triggers, they cause inflammation within the body, so it’s recommended to avoid or limit as much as possible. 

  • Take it easy on the exercise

It’s recommended to opt for a more gentle approach to exercise, walking or yoga would be good options as to avoid too much stimulation within the skin. 

What can you do to help?

  • Protect your face in cold weather and winds

Try to cover up as much as possible, we also recommend Nimues Element Barrier, this will give the skin extra protection when out in the elements, it will also help to repair and reduce redness (Available to purchase on our shop)

  • Use a gentle skincare routine

Against what many believe, using just water or those ‘simple’ high street brands can do more harm than good. A true gentle skincare routine will support your skins barrier to repair, reduce inflammation and protect against oxidative stress, the sun, pollution along with many other benefits. 

What treatment programme would we recommend?

Conditions like Rosacea will not be treated with just a few in salon treatments. Homecare should be the priority to get right. Treatment plans may differ person to person, however as an example of what we recommend-


Nimue Cleansing gel lite, AM & PM- A soap free, hydrating cleanser that is gentle on the skin.

Nimue Conditioner lite, AM & PM- Alcohol-free, soothes, cools, calms, hydrates and protects the skin.

Exfoliating enzyme 1-2 times a week- A gentle, non irritating, non abrasive enzyme exfoliation containing papaya and pineapple enzymes to refine skin texture.

Moisturiser lite, AM & PM - Balances oil production, hydrates and improves softness and suppleness.

Environmental shield, AM reapply as needed throughout the day - SPF 50 protects against not only UVA and UVB, but HEV (blue light form screens), IR and pollution, complete with a matt finish.

Element Barrier, AM reapply throughout the day - Reduces sensitivity to uv radiation, infra red, inflammation, winds and cold weather, protects and helps to repair the skins natural barrier.  

We recommend…

Book our new Skin at Home service to receive a full skin consultation, fully bespoke skin care plan and 6 week product prescription for all 6 core homecare products sent straight to your door, regular check in’s with your skin specialist, and a £10 Nimue voucher. Available to book online. £75 

In salon treatments…

An intense course of light therapy is clinically proven to reduce redness and rebuild the skins barrier, along with many other benefits. We recommend a course of 6 weekly sessions. £180 for a course of 6 30min treatments. Available to book online.


Quote ROSACEA when booking our Skin at Home service throughout April for a complimentary Rosacea rescue kit worth around £30.

For further help or product advice, please feel free to drop us a message, book a skin discovery or skin at home consultation.


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