The sun’s beginning to make an appearance and we are all looking forward to getting that summer glow...But are you aware of the damage it causes, how to stay safe and how to check your skin?

Around 90% of skin cancers are caused by over exposure to UV radiation, and unfortunately, skin cancers are on the up, with the most deadly form, Melanoma, rising faster than any other common cancer in Britain over the past 25 years, it’s now one of the biggest killing cancers in young adults aged 15-34!

It doesn’t have to be a hot sunny day to be exposed to UVR, it can pass through cloud, glass and bounce off reflective surfaces. This is why it’s so important to wear spf everyday on exposed areas such as the face. Even so much as a tan shows there’s been damaged caused, the only safe way is to fake it.


What are the different types of UVR?…

There are 2 UV rays that make it through the atmosphere and cause skin damage. UVA which penetrates into the deeper layer of the skin, breaking down collagen, elastin, and potentially causing more serious issues such as skin cancer, this ray is responsible for around 80% of the visible signs of ageing! UVB is the second and responsible for the skin burning, reaching the outer layers of the skin, again a primary cause for skin cancer.

The other huge factor is sunbeds, the use of them before the age of 35 increases a persons risk of developing skin cancer including the most serious form by 75%! They are often upto 15 times more intense than the midday sun giving out UVA rays that will leave lasting damage and speed up the visible signs of ageing.


How to protect...

SLIP on clothing, covering up is one of the most effactive ways to protect.

SLOP on SPF ideally factor 40 or above, broad spectrum, good quality sunscreen.

SLAP on a wide brimmed hat, this offers protection for the scalp, face neck and ears.

SLIDE on some quality sunglasses with a rating CE UV400 or higher.

SHADE seek out shade where possible, particularly between the hours of 11am-3pm.


Checking your skin...

Regularly check your skin, know where you have moles and their characteristics, if something looks odd, go to your doctors and ask for a dermatologist referral, no matter how small. 70% of melanoma and nodular cancers fall into the below checking rule...

Know your ABCDEFG...

A = Asymmetry, when one half of the mole doesn’t match the other.

B= Border, are they irregular, ragged or blur.

C= Colour, any changes of colour or if it varies throughout the mole.

D= Diameter, is the diameter greater than 6mm (please be aware that they can be smaller)

E= Evolving, any changes to a moles appearance or sensation.

E= Elevated

F= Firm to touch

G= Growing

Want a personalised plan to protect the health of your skin this summer? Book in for our summer skin clinic where you’ll receive a professional skin health check, healing and rejuvenating light therapy facial a free mini SPF and bespoke try me kit.


Information source Skcin.



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